WELCOME A church of the Nations, for the Nations Due to the unpredictable nature of the weather forecast for today (01/19/25) and our concern for safety, we are canceling In-person worship. Please join us online at 11 am. GET CONNECTED KIDSCHILDREN'S MINISTRY / AWANA / VBS YOUTHCITIZEN YOUTH Young Adults MinistryYoung Adults WOMENWOMEN'S MINISTRY MENMEN'S MINISTRY SENIOR ADULTSKEENAGERS WORSHIP MINISTRYWORSHIP MINISTRY The WEE CenterPRESCHOOL PRAYER MINISTRYPRAYER MINISTRY MISSIONS MINISTRYMISSIONS MINISTRY DIVORCECARE MINISTRYDIVORCECARE MINISTRY ESL MINISTRYESL MINISTRY STEPHEN MINISTRYSTEPHEN MINISTRY Evangelism MinistryEVANGELISM MINISTRY SEMINARY EXTENSIONSEMINARY EXTENSION Nursing HomeNURSING HOME MINISTRY GUEST SERVICES TEAMGUEST SERVICES TEAM SUNDAY SCHOOLGROWTH GROUPS